Related HTML MCQ with Answers
Answer is:
HTML 4.01
Different Versions of HTML
Let’s see the significance of the individual Versions of Html in details-
1. HTML 1.0
- The basic version of HTML has support for basic elements like text controls and images. This was the very basic version of HTML with less support for a wide range of HTML elements. It does not have rich features like styling and other things that were related to how content will be rendered in a browser.
- The initial version of HTML does not provide support for tables, font support, etc., as it provides us in the latest version.
- We would also like to discuss that W3C did not exist before HTML 2.0; hence it does not show details about HTML 1.
2. HTML 2
- HTML version 2.0 was developed in 1995 with basic intention of improving HTML version 1.0
- Now a standard got started to develop so as to maintain common rules and regulations across different browsers. HTML 2.0 has improved a lot in terms of the markup tags. In HTML 2.0 version concept of form came into force. Forms were developed, but still, they had basic tags like text boxes, buttons, etc.
- Also, the table came as an HTML tag. Now, in HTML tag 2.0, browsers also came with the concept of creating their own layers of tags that were specific to the browser itself. W3C was also formed. The main intention of W3C is to maintain standard across different web browsers so that these browsers understand and render HTML tags in a similar manner.
3. HTML 3.2
- It was developed in 1997. After HTML 2.0 was developed, the next version of HTML was 3.2
- With version 3.2 of HTML, HTML tags were further improved. It is worth noting that because of W3C standard maintenance, the newer version of HTML was 3.2 instead of 3.
- Now, HTML 3.2 has better support for new form elements. Another important feature what HTML 3.2 implemented was support for CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It is CSS that provides features to make HTML tags look better on rendering it on browsers. CSS helps to style HTML elements.
- With the upgradation of browsers to HTML 3.2, the browser also supported for frame tags, although HTML specifications still do not support frame markup tags.
4. HTML 4.01
- It was developed in 1999. It extended the support of cascading styling sheets. In version 3.2, CSS were embedded in HTML page itself. Therefore, if the website has various web pages to apply to the style of each page, we must place CSS on each web page. Hence there was a repetition of the same block of CSS.
- To overcome this thing, in version 4.01 concept of an external styling sheet emerged. Under this concept, an external CSS file could be developed, and this external styling file could be included in HTML itself. HTML 4.01 provided support for further new tags of HTML.
5. HTML5
- This is the latest version of HTML. For a developer, it could be used in 2014. It came up with lots of HTML tags support. HTML5 provided support for new form elements like input element s of different types; geolocations support tags, etc.