Answer is:
There are many atoms in different states of excitation making transition to different states
Reason why there are many lines in an atomic spectrum is because There are many atoms in different states of excitation making transition to different states
Answer is:
they do not waste as much energy producing visible photons
Fluorescent lamps are more efficient than incandescent lamps in converting electrical energy to visible light because they do not waste as much energy producing visible photons
Answer is:
there is transition from one of the unstable orbits of definite energy to another of same energy
According to Bohr model radiation takes place when there is transition from one of the unstable orbits of definite energy to another of same energy
Answer is:
integral multiples of h/2(\pie)
According to Bohr model allowed values of angular momentum are integral multiples of h/2(\pie)
Answer is:
30 fm
Use direct formula