Answer is:
increase the height of both transmitting and receiving towers
To increase the range of line of sight communication increase the height of both transmitting and receiving towers
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45.5 km
A transmitting antenna at the top of a tower has a height 32 m and the height of the receiving antenna is 50 m. the maximum distance is 45.5km
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signal containing the message or information before modulation
Baseband?is a?signal?that has a very narrow frequency range, i.e. a spectral magnitude that is nonzero only for frequencies in the vicinity of the origin (termed?f?= 0) and negligible elsewhere
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size of antenna would be huge
need for modulation arises from antenna considerations. If base band signal is to be transmitted then size of antenna would be huge
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750 MHz
Coaxial cables have a bandwidth in the range of 750 MHz